Inspiration is everywhere you look

Inspiration is everywhere you look Inspiration is everywhere you look

March 15, 2021

Aurora Sanchez-Cambronero is a junior civil engineer working in Madrid, Spain. For International Women’s Day, she reflects on her experiences of the pandemic and the inspiration she’s gotten from women in her life.

The pandemic change everything. I went from being in the office socializing and collaborating with my colleagues, to working alone in my room.

I said goodbye to my housemates and moved back home with my family. Some of them are frontline doctors, nurses and cleaners. To say I am proud of them is an understatement. But each day when they left for work, was a day of not knowing what will come next. I learned to make peace with it, but it isn’t easy knowing they’re at risk.

Reckoning with uncertainty

Being a graduate on a contract has been difficult, too. Working virtually has made it harder to connect with my mentors. What could be solved in the office by turning around from my computer and asking one of my colleagues for advice, isn’t as easy over Teams or email.

I’m constantly impressed by the adaptability and responsiveness of Advisian and its people. In most cases, from day one of lockdown we were able to work from home and be as efficient as we are from the office.

The lights aren’t out yet

Sometimes we only start to appreciate the things we take for granted when faced by adversity.

Although returning to my hometown was strange at first, I am very happy now. I have been able to spend much more time with my family and lifelong friends. I have learned to enjoy the simple things in life, like going out for a drink or visiting somewhere. And that we can’t take anything for granted, as things can change when you least expect it. The balance in which we live is very fragile.

Women in my life
The lights aren't out yet

The superwomen in my life

The pandemic has shown the importance of women. And the women in my family are my heroes. My mother stands out the most for me. Even before the pandemic she’s always been my inspiration. Although she didn’t get the chance to study at university when she was younger, she worked hard to raise four children and make sure we could all study the career of our choice. And she never asked for anything in return.

She’s 62 now and works as a cleaner in a hospital, so she’s at high risk. But that hasn’t stopped her.

The superwomen in my life

It can only get better from here

The pandemic has brought its challenges, but I want to commit myself to growing as a result of it. My career and my personal life were turned upside down, but a lot has improved in the last few months. The support from my colleagues has put my career back into alignment. The love from my family and friends has kept me centered and inspired. And I have done my best to challenge adversity, coming out the other side a different, better version of myself. For that, I am grateful.

It can only get better from here
It can only get better from here
Aurora's Choose to Challenge pledge for IWD2021